Serve Our Parish
Good Shepherd is a diverse parish with a diversity of needs. Parishioners of all ages and skills have many opportunities to get engaged in the life of our parish by serving others.
Worship Ministries
Acolytes are middle and high school youth who assist in services by carrying the crosses and torches, and by helping the clergy in the service. To sign up or submit questions to the acolyte leader, please CLICK HERE.
The Altar Guild cares for the altar, vestments, vessels, and altar linens of the parish. Altar Guild members prepare the sanctuary for services and clean up afterwards.
Chalicists assist clergy by delivering Holy Eucharist elements to communicants, read Lessons and/or lead the Psalms during the services.
Lay Eucharistic Visitors are licensed by our bishop to deliver Holy Eucharist to parishioners who are hospitalized or homebound. Lay Eucharistic Visitors may also act as chalice bearers during our regular Sunday services.
Lectors assist in services by reading the Lesson appointed for the day.
Music is a very important part of our parish. Parishioners can participate in Youth Choir, Adult Choir, Handbell Choir, the playing of instruments for services or working in the music library.
Ushers arrive at church about 30 minutes before a service to greet parishioners, pass out bulletins, receive offerings, guide parishioners to Holy Communion, and tidy the pews after the service.
Vergers assist the clergy in the conduct of public worship, especially to marshal processions.
Service Ministries
Children’s Activities – Many opportunities are available to assist with Vacation Bible School, Christmas Pageant, Children’s Chapel, etc. People are needed to coordinate, make props and costumes, fix food, do receptions or teach for any of the wonderful events for our children – bulletin boards too!
Daughters of the King is a women’s prayer group who offer daily prayers for both parishioners and non-parishioners for whom prayers have been requested. Their prayer list is confidential.
EYC Activities (Episcopal Youth Community) leaders assist Youth and Young Adults staff in working with our parish middle and high school youth, coordinate meals for Sunday nights and/or chaperone trips.
Fellowship Events are a popular way for us to get to know one another. Fellowship Committee members and volunteers assist with equipment pick-up/return, preparation of food, event set-up/clean-up for the Chili Cook-off, Mike Beard Memorial Pig Pickin’, Parish Picnic, Shrimp and Oyster Roast and other parish fellowship events.
Flower Deliveries are made every week to parishioners who are in the hospital or homebound.
Funeral Receptions provide food and/or assistance for funeral receptions at the church.
Green Thumb Ministry members install and care for plantings on CGS grounds and those in the Parish Life Center, grounds pick-up.
Funeral Receptions provide food and/or assistance for funeral receptions at the church.
Library Guild shelves books, follows up with parishioners with overdue books, catalogs new books, assist parishioners in the library itself.
Meals - provide meals to homebound parishioners during times of trial and joy through our "Loving Your Neighbor" group.
Nursery Guild members help paid staff care for children under 5 years old in the nursery during services and special church meetings and help with nursery clean-up days.
Office/Receptionist is a critical role in our parish office. Volunteers typically help with a 4 hour shift (AM or PM) to answer the phone, route calls, greet and direct visitors, assist staff with short-term projects.
Audio Ministry operates digital sound equipment during services to provide amplification and audio for our livestreaming (below) feed.
Livestreaming Ministry operates digital video switchers and camera controllers to provide a livestreaming service on YouTube for our homebound and parishioners both near and far.
Sunday School Teachers prepare/assist in the teaching of our children, teens or adults during Christian Education on Sunday mornings.
Tellers assist with the tally of the Sunday morning offering on Monday morning.
Transportation Drivers use their personal vehicles to get our parishioners to church services, events and meetings as needed
The Vestry is the lay leadership of the parish. Twelve parishioners elected by the congregation who serve with the Rector to make business decisions for the parish
Wedding Guild members help the parish Wedding Coordinator direct weddings at CGS which includes assisting clergy and bridal party at both the rehearsal and wedding itself.